Laser Eye Surgery

Cataracts Q & A

If you have always wondered if laser surgery is right for you? If you want to find out if you are an excellent candidate to reduce your dependence on eyeglasses and contact lenses, our doctors can evaluate your eyes and review your options.

We have extensive knowledge of the top surgeons in the Northern Virginia area. We will refer you to a highly skilled surgeon once we assess whether laser eye surgery suits you.

At Eye2Eye, we value building strong relationships with our patients. We appreciate the trust you have placed in us to answer your inquiries.

​​​​​​​We encourage you to book an appointment with us today to discuss your laser eye surgery options.

Which laser eye surgery am I a candidate for?

A comprehensive eye exam is required to determine your suitability for laser eye surgery. Various factors, including refractive instability (frequent changes in prescription), pregnancy, diabetes, and certain eye diseases, can disqualify you from laser eye surgery.

LASIK may not be the most suitable option if your corneas are thin, or you have a large prescription. Luckily, other options exist for those with a thin cornea or higher prescription values.

Although it may seem overwhelming, there is no need to worry. The doctors at Eye2eye are available to guide and assist throughout the process.