Pediatric Eye Exams

Pediatric Eye Exams

What happens during a pediatric eye exam?

Our doctors and staff understand that your child may be nervous or frightened, especially for their first eye exam. Rest assured, we make things fun, and the testing is objective, so the doctors don’t have to rely 100% on the child’s answers.

Our child-friendly eye exams extend beyond basic vision clarity. We delve into key visual skills critical for learning and mobility, including:

  • Binocular Vision: How the eyes team up efficiently

  • Focusing

  • Peripheral Vision

  • Color Vision

  • Tracking

Our optometrists also carefully inspect both the outer and inner parts of the eye to detect potential eye diseases or health concerns and your child will most likely be dilated. Your insights matter too – share any pertinent details about your child's history, such as premature birth, developmental delays, or family eye conditions.

If an issue arises, our eye doctors will present tailored therapeutic solutions. Depending on the situation, these could encompass eyeglasses, contact lenses, eye patches, or Ortho-K.

Early intervention is vital, as some conditions are best treated during the eye's developmental stages. Prompt diagnosis ensures your child's eyes and vision are treated and managed appropriately. 

Ensuring Your Child's Visual Success in School

As your child embarks on their educational journey, it's essential for their visual skills to be well-established. By this stage, they should effortlessly navigate various distances – gazing at the distant classroom board and focusing on a book or digital device before them.

Efficient eye tracking is crucial, enabling them to scan words on a page smoothly or adeptly follow fast-moving objects like a basketball or baseball. Moreover, their hand-eye coordination and visual perception should be finely honed.

Occasionally, vision issues may be misconstrued as learning or behavioral challenges, such as ADHD. Academic struggles could indicate that your child necessitates a comprehensive eye exam. Often, a simple prescription for glasses or specialized vision therapy can pave the way for their academic success.

Does your family have a history of high myopia (nearsightededness)?

We screen all children to determine if they are at risk for developing a large prescription as they develop. If you have a strong family history, the likelihood is more significant for this to happen. 
If your child is nearsighted, we will go over myopia management options that would best help slow down the progression for your child. 

What is myopia management? This program aims to slow the increase in a child's prescription and eye elongation. Our doctors offer various FDA-approved treatments to slow this myopia progression in children. These treatments include specialized contact lenses, atropine eye drops, and orthokeratology (Ortho-K) lenses.

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