Children\'s Eye Exams

Children's Eye Exams

We understand the significance of vision care in your child's growth and development. Whether it's excelling in sports or succeeding in school, a clear vision is crucial for them to reach their goals.

There needs to be more than a basic vision screening to assess how the eyes function. Surprisingly, one-third of these screenings miss identifying vision disorders or eye problems in children. A comprehensive examination, including a visual health assessment, is necessary to evaluate your child's precious eyesight properly.

If your child feels anxious about their appointment, rest assured. The doctors at Eye2Eye specialize in putting children at ease. They communicate directly with kids, ensuring they never feel rushed or nervous. Many kids find their eye exams enjoyable when seeing the doctors at Eye2Eye.

Important Milestones

By the time children enter school, they must have well-developed visual skills. They should be able to see clearly at various distances, enabling them to comfortably view the board from afar and read a book up close.

In addition, their eyes should be capable of smoothly tracking along a page of text or following a moving object, such as a basketball or baseball. Developed hand-eye coordination and visual perception are also essential skills.

Sometimes, people mistakenly attribute learning or behavioral difficulties like ADHD to vision problems in children. If your child is experiencing learning challenges at school, it may indicate the need for a comprehensive eye examination. Often, a new pair of glasses or vision therapy can help them regain their focus and stay on the right path.

What conditions do you look for in children's exams?

Strabismus (Crossed Eyes)

Strabismus is a condition where the eyes appear crossed because they don't align properly. It often starts in babies and young children. If left untreated, strabismus can worsen and cause a lazy eye, affecting vision. Strabismus won't go away by itself, so seeking treatment is essential.

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

A miscommunication between the brain and eyes can lead to a "lazy eye" or amblyopia. Amblyopia typically develops before the age of 6. The symptoms may not be readily noticeable. However, if you observe your child squinting, regularly tilting their head, or frequently closing one eye, it's important that you schedule a comprehensive eye exam as soon as possible.

If amblyopia is not detected early, the treatment process may take longer and be less effective.

What happens if my child's prescription keeps changing frequently?

Myopia management info here.